Wednesday 31 March 2010

Meet Joy...

We have just found out how difficult it is to concentrate on designing things in India when the factory have just got a new puppy...

Friday 19 March 2010

Something for the weekend.

I don't know about you but we've had one hell of a week... All incredibly positive things but now feeling exhausted from about 55 meetings on design, production, creative marketing ideas and more has left our heads feeling slightly fuzzy to say the least.

What better way to escape the crazyness than dream of this wonderous beach?

We (unfortunately) won't be frequenting this sandy wonderland this weekend but something to dream of none the less.

For those who are lucky enough to have their toes in the sand this weekend, this one's for you.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Bespoke Boobies?

The Boobie scarf just got funnier, it seems there are bespoke versions such as these delighful green and ivy style bundles of joy. STILL don't think it makes these horrors any more convincing to wear but these ladies sure look like they're having a riot all the same!

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Our quest for the wierdest scarf on the planet continues...

The search for the strangest scarf on the market continues this week with this skinny little Crime Scene Scarf available from Target stores in the US. A take on the acrylic football scarves, currently available- this little number embodies the same use of naff material and scary colours only with a crime (no pun intended) of a slogan emblazoned across it.

We're not quite sure if it's the garish yellow and black colours or the wording which makes us squeamish...I guess on the plus side you'd never go unnoticed in a crowd.

Friday 5 March 2010

Boobie Scarves.

Just when you think you've seen it all... During the shows at London and New York Fashion week there have been some statement accessories but none quite as shocking as Japan's statement scarf of this year-the Boobie!
Possibly the wierdest and most hilarious thing we've ever seen. Move over Lily and Lionel... we have a new scarf rival in town.
Somehow, I think it's safe to say these won't massively be catching on. Priceless!

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Ski Season.

The ski season is upon us and when coming accross these delightful black and white old school ski pictures I had to share them with you. This is what it was like to ski in the 40's it seems... Pure fun and games. You've got to love how the ladies are managing to attempt to hit the slopes in their bra's-true girl power at it's best (not to mention the brave/insane topless guy in the first image).
In true signature style, Americal Apparel have sexed up their vision of Apres Ski. Their idea of post skiing wind down time basically translates to bedtime play... Good on them, it certainly looks more fun than a glass of mulled wine!

  • From above; Peggy Simpson and friends skiing on Hollyburn Mountain 1940's- Fred Burfield collection HHS archive.
  • Top and middle- Unknown,
  • Bottom, American Apparel Campaign.

Monday 1 March 2010

Possibly the most beautiful image?

This is by far and away the most beautiful shot we've come accross in a long time- The stunning Lily Cole modelling this unbelievable Dior couture dress- the swathes of fabric combined with the detail of the staircase is a photography marriage made in heaven.

Image: Lily Cole & Spiral Staircase India 2005, shot for British Vogue 2007 by Tim Walker.